Asian Credit Fund’s CEO Zhanna Zhakupova was elected to the Association of Microfinance Organizations Board for the third term

The Asian Credit Fund (ACF) is proud to announce that ACF CEO Zhanna Zhakupova has been elected to the Board of the Association of Microfinance Organizations of Kazakhstan (AMFOK) for a third consecutive term. This election occurred during the Association’s General Meeting on July 4, 2024, with a majority vote from the members.
Zhanna Zhakupova’s re-election is a testament to her dedication, expertise, and significant contributions to the microfinance sector. Her leadership has been instrumental in advancing ACF’s goals and supporting the Association’s broader mission to promote financial inclusion and sustainable economic growth.
Under Zhanna’s visionary guidance, ACF has not only continued to expand its outreach but also significantly enhanced its impact, providing critical financial services to underserved communities. Her experience and vision have been invaluable assets to the Board, and we are confident that her continued service will further strengthen the Association’s efforts to develop the microfinance sector for sustainable access of the population to financial services in order to reduce poverty and maintain economic growth.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Zhanna Zhakupova and eagerly anticipate her continued leadership and the positive impact she will undoubtedly have on the microfinance community.