Asian Credit Fund became founding member of Global SME Finance Forum

SME Finance Forum Founding Members with HM Queen Maxima and HE DPM Yilmaz (004)


December 24, 2015


Asian Credit Fund (further- ACF) became one of the founding members of Global SME Finance Forum 2015.  The Forum was founded within G-20. Other founding members include banks, technology companies, regulators and financial institutions from around the world committed to promoting access for small and medium businesses.  Queen Maxima and Turkish Deputy Prime Minister were present at the first event of the Forum hold in Antalya, Turkey in November 2015 to launch SME Finance Global Network.

SMEs are crucial for job creation and economic growth in both developed and developing countries. Globally, however, approximately half of small businesses are restrained from getting off the ground or growing. Key constraints include limited access to affordable financing, unfavorable economy and regulatory environments, and lack of suitable financial products and services.
During two days of the Forum leaders shared their visions on what the SME finance landscape looks like in present world, how SMEs in emerging markets can obtain financing they need to grow, how financial companies can overcome today’s barriers and expand the breadth and depth of their services to SMEs.

Interesting discussion was devoted to a number of innovative initiatives in the financial sector that may have a real impact and change the industry in some fundamental ways.

“ACF’s strategy focuses on providing support to those who are in the most need such as rural and female entrepreneurs.  Learning from the Global SME Forum can help ACF to become more efficient in reaching target clients and therefore make ACF contribution to the local economy more valuable – said Zhanna Zhakupova, Executive Director of ACF.

For further information, please contact:

Zhanna Zhakupova

Executive Director

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Tel: +7-7272-50-61-90



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ТОО «Микрофинансовая организация «Азиатский Кредитный Фонд», г. Алматы, Казахстан

Тел.: +7-7272-50-61-90

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