Oct 2021

ACF Executive Director Zhanna Zhakupova shared her view on HR issues during 23rd MFC Annual Conference

September 14, 2021 ACF Executive Director Zhanna Zhakupova participated in the session of “The Undervalued Key to MFI Success: People Power” which was conducted during 23rd MFC Annual Conference “Social Finance Vibe: Pandemic Reboot”. Together with another experts such as Corina Stefan, BCR Social Finance, Isabelle Katthagen and Elisabeth Niendorf, ADG International she discussed HR issues in […]

Aug 2021

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC is pleased to present 2020 Annual Report

Release of the 2020 Annual report is directed on enhancing information transparency of ACF, informing stakeholders on the achievements demonstrated by the Company during the year and sharing successful stories of ACF clients. 2020 Annual report is available online at: ACF Report 2020

Mar 2021

ACF Executive Director Zhanna Zhakupova participated in MFC webinar “COVID-19: Crisis and Digitalization”

March 3, 2021. ACF Executive Director Zhanna Zhakupova participated in the Microfinance Center (MFC) webinar “Keep calm, adapt and carry on” within the framework of the webinars’ series under common name “COVID-19: Crisis and Digitalization”. This webinar was aimed at disclosure of current problems of the microfinance companies which were revealed in view of COVID-19 […]

Feb 2021

Successfulness of Asian Credit Fund is confirmed by the National Business Rating

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund (hereinafter referred to as ACF) has obtained the independent 2020 Industry Leader business award after winning the first place among the enterprises on the “Contribution to the state budget” indicator. The basis of awarding was the result of Kazakhstan economic entities rating. The leader’s status reflects efficiency of the enterprise […]

Jan 2021

Asian Credit Fund is pleased to announce a new member of the Supervisory Board

Asian Credit Fund is pleased to announce a new member of the Supervisory Board – Don Ginsel   Don Ginsel is a Civil Engineer and former banker at ABN AMRO and Deutsche Bank. After a brief time in Venture Capital, he became an entrepreneur, working as strategic and financial advisor and coach to various startups […]

Dec 2020

Accelerating female leadership in Asia. Determined to be a leader

Finnfund’s investee BOPA is funding and developing microfinance institutions in Asia and has recently joined the 2X Challenge. One of BOPA’s portfolio companies, Asian Credit Fund LLC, is led by Zhanna Zhakupova, one of the few female leaders in the financial sector in Kazakhstan. Read her thoughts about women leadership. Zhanna Zhakupova is the Executive […]

Nov 2020

BOPA increases its equity stake in Asian Credit Fund

November 4, 2020 BOPA Company (Base of the Pyramid Asia), the majority equity participant in Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC (ACF) has increased its equity stake in ACF by KZT 212.5 million, equivalent to USD 500,000. This new capital will increase the total equity of ACF to KZT 1.9 bln., equivalent to approx. USD […]

Oct 2020

Investments in microfinance: experience and outlook. Why global holdings choose Kazakhstan.

The Article was published in Kapital.kz newspaper on October 28, 2020 For 28 years of independence in Kazakhstan, a lot has been done to increase the investment attractiveness of the country. In 2019, Kazakhstan improved its position in the Doing Business ranking and moved up from 28th to 25th place. Now we can say with […]

Oct 2020

Main strategy of Asian Credit Fund is consumer rights protection

The Article was published in Inbusiness.kz newspaper on October 02, 2020 The trust of our customers is a driver of ACF success. MFO Asian Credit Fund (ACF) is one of the leading microfinance organizations in Kazakhstan. ACF has been carrying out its activity for more than 20 years providing financing to rural households and small […]

Oct 2020

Asian Credit Fund: to better quality of living

The Article was published in Kapital.kz newspaper on September 25, 2020 The microfinance organization helps rural population to boost business Today, Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund is one of the leading MFO on financial market of Kazakhstan. It is known that the Company has been operating successfully since November 1997. During this time, ACF has […]