March 3, 2021. ACF Executive Director Zhanna Zhakupova participated in the Microfinance Center (MFC) webinar “Keep calm, adapt and carry on” within the framework of the webinars’ series under common name “COVID-19: Crisis and Digitalization”. This webinar was aimed at disclosure of current problems of the microfinance companies which were revealed in view of COVID-19 pandemic, raising the questions of possibility to rebuild MFIs portfolios and customer base. In her speech Zhanna Zhakupova shared ACF experience in overcoming the crisis of 2007-2009 and how the lessons learned from that crisis helped ACF to overcome the crisis related to COVID-19. She also shared the measures that ACF provided to its clients to support them during state of emergency announced in Kazakhstan. We hope that experience of Asian Credit Fund was useful for all participants of the webinar.