Karauyl village, Eastern region of Kazakhstan
Zhumazhanova Ryazhan Kaktaykyzy lives in Karauyl village, Abay district, Eastern region of Kazakhstan.
She was a housewife all her life but in 1993 she decided to start her business and to open the store. The spouse supported her undertaking. He was a businessman and had farm household where he grew small cattle to be sold at Semey city market.
Working in the store, Ryazhan apa frequently faced different problems to settle which she needed money. At first, she tried to cope with these problems by her own and with the help of the spouse but she understood that she needed cash from outside to develop the store. Thus, she applied to Asian Credit Fund to obtain her first microloan for sales turnover and store roof repair.
Ryazhan apa’s store was popular in Karauyl village. She always had a good range of the products, acceptable prices and good service. Ryazhan apa, speaking with the clients of the store, noted that they complained about lack of fresh and various pastries in the village. Thus, a new idea to open mini bakery has started up. She applied to Asian Credit Fund again and received the microloan for oven and dough making machine purchase. Since then fresh baked rolls and cakes so liked by all in Karauyl village are always available in her store.
When ACF employees visit Ryazhan apai, she always finds warm words to thank them for help. She increased sales turnover in the store, opened bakery and started baking pastries that influenced positively welfare of the family namely owing to ACF!