Asian Credit Fund participated in 19th MFC Annual Conference, Tirana, Albania.

July 05, 2016
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Executive Director of Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC (hereinafter referred to as “ACF”) Zhakupova Zhanna and Financial Manager Yevgeniya Nedelko participated in 19th MFC Annual Conference entitled “Microfinance in the Cloud”, which took place from 23-24 June in Tirana, Albania.

The over-arching conference theme considered the space that microfinance could occupy if it fully embraces new technology, and the detachment it will suffer if it does not. This conference was a key platform to debate the trade-offs, made the case for digital innovations, and critically examined what aspects of traditional service delivery need to be preserved.

In addition to the conference workshops Executive Director of ACF Zhakupova Zhanna participated in working lunch and discussed with other leading financial institutions the role of microfinance institutions in the local community. It was recently observed that some MFIs become more active in the community. For example, ACF provides business development and financial education trainings for rural population of Kazakhstan through own Client Business Academia and supports charitable activities in the local communities. Other MFIs provide charity support to some disadvantage groups. During the working lunch MFIs involved in local communities shared their social activities including philanthropy, challenges and obstacles of investing into community. The key aim of the working lunch was to encourage more institutions to become active in the local communities.  

For more information, please contact:
Zhakupova Zhanna Bolatkhanovna
Executive Director
Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC, Almaty city, Kazakhstan
Tel: +7-7272-50-61-90