May 2019

Asian Credit Fund has received recognition of AMFOK for “Contribution to Development of Microfinance Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Adherence to the Principles of Customers Social Protection”

26 April 2019. The General Meeting of the members of Kazakhstan Microfinance Institutions Association (AMFOK) was held in Almaty city. The results of the Association activity for 15 years of existence were summarized there. The Board of the Directors of the Association was elected and the goals and tasks of the Association for the forthcoming […]

Apr 2019

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC is pleased to present 2018 Social Performance Report.

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC is pleased to present 2018 Social Performance Report. 2018 Social Performance Report demonstrates ACF commitment to its social mission and measuring progress in reaching its social goals. Social performance report is available on homepage of ACF web site.

Nov 2018

Empowerment of women changes the world

According to the last GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Women’s Entrepreneurship 2016/2017 Report “in 2016, an estimated 163 million women were starting or running new businesses in 74 economies around the world. In addition, an estimated 111 million were running established businesses. This not only shows the impact of women entrepreneurs across the globe, but highlights […]

Jul 2018

Microfinance Organization Asian Credit Fund LLC is pleased to present 2017 Annual Report

Release of the 2017 Annual report is directed on enhancing information transparency of ACF, informing stakeholders on the achievements demonstrated by the Company during the year and sharing successful stories of ACF clients. 2017 Annual report is available online at: 2017 Annual Report

May 2018

MicroFinanza Rating International Rating Agency has assigned BB+ social rating to MFO Asian Credit Fund

Asian Credit Fund (ACF) was subject to social rating assessment by MicroFinanza Rating (MFR) Rating Agency in April 2018. Following the results of 2017 activity, ACF was assigned sBB+ social rating. Currently ACF is the third organization out of 174 microfinance organisations in Kazakhstan which confirm the commitment of the company to social goals and […]

Apr 2018

Announcing ACF New Board Member

Asian Credit Fund is pleased to announce a new member of the Supervisory Board – Senad Sinanović. Senad Sinanović is the director of Partner Microcredit Foundation (Partner MKF) from Bosnia and Herzegovina and has 20 years of experience in the microfinance sector. He started his career as a Loan Officer in 1997 and then worked […]

Mar 2018

Engaging the youth of today to protect the climate of tomorrow

Asian Credit Fund (hereinafter referred to as “ACF” or the “Company”) is a microfinance organization registered and acting pursuant to Kazakhstan legislation. The Company main activity is to provide microloans for small business development and support of households’ development preferably in rural areas of Kazakhstan. 2017 has been the launch of the Asian Credit Fund […]

Feb 2018

Asian Credit Fund 2018 Annual Staff Meeting

Annual staff meeting of the microfinance organisation Asian Credit Fund, LLC (ACF) took place on February 15-16, 2018, in Almaty. Over 20 ACF key employees from branches and HQ gathered together to review results of 2017 and to develop a roadmap for reaching 2018 goals. The main theme of the second day of the staff […]

Dec 2017

Asian Credit Fund – 20 years of supporting entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan

We are pleased to announce that Asian Credit Fund, the 2nd largest MFI in Kazakhstan by clients, is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Since its founding in 1997, ACF has supported over 117,000 business people and households in Kazakhstan with a total USD$74.2 mln in disbursed microloans among 115 000 clients. Women are a key focus […]

Sep 2017

Just 2 weeks left until the 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign kicks off!

In October, MFC is kicking off fourth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign! This year, 24 leading financial institutions will work across 17 countries in Europe and Central Asia to improve clients’ financial literacy knowledge and skills. What’s the campaign all about? As with previous years, Campaign participants will be delivering key messages around how to borrow […]